Tuesday, April 27, 2010

She & Him " In The Sun" ft Tilly & The Wall

Perfect timing for She & Him to release their second album 'Voume 2'
Just like the weather, it's light, fun, filled with the musical equivalent of tea party dresses

what? you don't know what that means...come on take a look:

She is Zooey Deschanel, indie actress and allround entertainer. Him is singer-songwriter M.Ward ( who is also in Monsters Of Folk)
Their first album ( Volume one, aren't they clever?) has barely left my stereo since last year. I've listend to the new album, which is poppier than its' predecessor..and I think I need a few more listens to be fully convinced. Anyhow it's still pure fresh and cute pop music, perfect for this time of year!

Enjoy the sun!

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